Comprehensive Chiropractic Care In Denver CO

At SHIFT Chiropractic, we provide quality chiropractic care in Denver CO for all ages. Our chiropractors focus on evaluating and diagnosing spinal misalignments, known as “subluxations” or simply a “shift.” By identifying these misalignments through x-rays, advanced diagnostic equipment, or gentle spinal palpation, we uncover areas where the spine may need alignment to promote optimal health.
Chiropractic medicine is based on the science that the nervous system influences the function of every tissue and cell in the body. When spinal misalignments interfere with the nervous system, it can impact how nerves communicate with muscles, tissues, and organs. By correcting these interferences, the body’s natural healing processes are enhanced, providing relief from discomfort, pain, and sometimes radiating symptoms along the nerve’s path.
Our doctors apply gentle adjustments combined with advanced techniques to remove nerve interference, helping to relieve pain and discomfort in the affected areas.
3 Key Components of Our Denver CO Chiropractic Evaluation:
- #1: Structural Health
Focused on spinal alignment. - #2: Neurological Health
Ensuring optimal nervous system function. - #3: Metabolic Health
Supporting overall metabolic balance and healing.
Our comprehensive evaluation addresses these three areas to uncover a personalized path back to health and wellness, helping you achieve lasting relief and whole-body healing.
Take the First Step To Better Health – Schedule Your Appointment Today!
10:00am - 6:00pm
10:00am - 6:00pm
10:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
SHIFT Chiropractic
1023 Santa Fe Dr
Denver, CO 80204